Sunday, October 10, 2010


The Josiah Venture camps were great. The theme was Reedem. We had two JV camps this summer. (I am really sorry for the late update)

Camp 2 - The second camp we had was the Greace Church of Tirana together with two other churches. This was located in a BEAUTIFUL city down south Albania near the Ionin sea. Sorrounded by such beauty just makes you praise the Lord more for his creation. The theme for this summer was: Redeem and it had stories of redemption from the Bible. 10 people accepted Christ from the 3 churches , and some more became believers a couple of weeks after the camp was over. One of them was Ina Levanaj. Such a sweet girl now a dear sister in the Lord. She is coimng in our church and in our youth group. Here are some pictures:

Ina levanaj

The Albanian and American Team

Camp 1

Lord provided in so many ways. Our fear or better say MY main concern was that the English club girls wouldn’t be able to go because it was outside Tirana and many parents wouldn’t allow them, but actually we went in their houses and talked with the parents personally and most of them were able to come. They had a great time together spending time with each other, listening to stories of redemption but also thinking of the things that were discussed in the small groups. They asked very good questions. It wasn’t God’s time for any of them to accept Christ but God has placed some of us in Babrru to continue loving them and to keep sharing the gospal.

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